maróti réka

My grandma liked to pronounce words with the letter „l” emphatically. This is how, for example develop became „devellop”… He repeated it many times. How interestingly the subconscious works… What is the most important part of the logotype? Grandma, do you think I’m „ develloping”?


Mamám szerette nyomatékosan kiejteni az „l” betűs szavakat. Így lett például a haladunkból „halladunk”… Nagyon sokszor hajtogatta. Milyen érdekesen működik a tudatalatti…  Mi a leghangsúlyosabb rész a logotípiából? Mami szerinted „halladok”?


I am Réka Maróti, an illustrator and graphic designer living in Budapest, Hungary. My essentials are curiosity, experimentation and playfulness. I like diversity, which is reflected in my works: I like to mix techniques, manual with digital, and simple with complicated. In addition to all this, there is also a rational side of me, which requires precision, systematic thinking, and understanding.
Illustrations are the closest to me, but I also like more complex graphic design tasks. You have been able to see my work continuously at professional exhibitions.
I am happy to take part in any creative design process where you – as a customer – are also looking for a good solution and fairly open to unconventional approaches.

Take a look at my previous works! > 


BonBon Matiné / Csodaceruza / Educational Authority (National Public Education Portal) / Gardrób Csoport / Káva, the participant’s theatre / Lupus Consulting / Pagony / Pátria Nyomda / Unger & Partners / Zenélő Dunakanyar

how may I help?

what topics I am interested in?

  • everything natural or related to nature
  • where the key word is honesty and/or enthusiasm, enthusiasm
  • reshaping of folk traditions
  • oriental things – I won’t deny it, I’m a real mixed salad, at least I can’t get bored!
  • visual support of educational materials with a new, lovable and useful approach

it can be different. can you imagine?


what is relatively constant among so much experimentation?

  • mint (tea, live plant, essential oil)
  • fundamental appeal for anything oriental (tus, tai ji, coriander, turmeric, ginger, matcha, kimchi, pho soup)
  • green mania – I feel good surrounded by plants, I can handle them quite well
  • book, book, book…


exhibitions, where you could see my works
2023 21st Aranyrajzszög (selected for exhibition)
2023 The BUDAPESTER, the history of Budapest – 150 years in illustrations
3rd Budapest Illustration Festival (selected for exhibition)
2023 SHINE! – celebration of poster and creativity, city of Veszprém
2021 2nd Budapest Illustration Festival (selected for exhibition)
2020 18th Aranyrajzszög (selected for exhibition)
2019 1st Budapest Illustration Festival (selected for exhibition)
2018 16th Aranyrajzszög (selected for exhibition)
2017 Aranyvackor (selected for exhibition)
2015 The 4th International Reggae Poster Contest – among selected top 100

art studies
2022–2023 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Image Pro
2014–2016 Budapest Metropolitan University, Graphic Design MA
2013–2014 Corvin Art School
2013 Corvin Art School scholarship

other studies and experiences (once upon a time…)
2007–2013 controller, later tender consultant
2002–2007 University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics